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When is the Best Time to Do Hedge Trimming

Starting your garden and landscape in the backyard is a good start for your green thumb journey at home. Taking care of plants and shrubs can serve as your outlet and hobby for a different day to day routine. However, starting this activity doesn’t just stop at planting your chosen flora and watering it in proper times. You need to do some maintenance procedures to make sure that the landscape is well-groomed and pleasing to look at.

There are many tree removalists and arborists around Sydney that can help in garden maintenance. You can trust Trees Down Under to take care of your hedge maintenance for you. Trimming is one of the maintenance measures you need to do from time to time, especially if you have plans to keep a hedge in your backyard. It is one of the things that your hedge needs to optimise its health and aesthetic purpose. Invest in the health of your hedges to make them look the best!

What is a hedge trimming?

A hedge is a line of heavy shrubs that can serve as a fence or boundary. Hedges, more than any other plants in a garden, require trimming to maintain its health and boundary. Trimming hedges involves cutting out overgrown branches that are sticking out of the hedge boundary. Cutting out overgrown parts of the hedge is also essential in making sure that there enough light and moisture is present. Make sure that your hedge is getting all its needs to thrive.

Seasonal trimming

Every hedge has a “right season” for trimming. This right season is heavily influenced by the hedge that you have. Not all hedges are the same. Formal hedges get as much as two trims, while informal hedges can get by with one trim every year. To make sure that it’s the right time to get a trim, consult with your local arborist from Trees Down Under to schedule your hedge trims. If you want a jumpstart in trimming your hedges, the general rule of thumb for most hedges is giving a trim within spring to summer seasons.

Evergreen Hedges

Evergreen hedges are good options if you opt for a more private boundary. Many species of evergreen hedges grow tall to give areas a more private space. For the informal type of evergreen hedge, do light hedge trimming during the summer for regular maintenance every year. This controls the rapid growth that most evergreen hedges exhibit in the summer season. For more formal evergreen hedges, you can opt to trim more frequently to preserve the shape and boundary. Some of the evergreen hedges you can choose from are:

  • English box hedge
  • Coastal Rosemary hedge
  • Escallonia hedge
  • Leyland Cypress hedge

Deciduous Hedges

Most non-flowering deciduous hedges are best as informal hedges. As such, it is more forgiving than evergreen hedges in terms of trimming and maintenance. For informal hedges, do hedge trimmings of deciduous hedges in the spring season to keep the natural shape of the hedge. For deciduous hedges that are formal hedges, do hedge trimmings in the summer season. These are deciduous hedges you can choose from for your garden:

  • Red Barberry hedge
  • Beech hedge
  • Hazel hedge
  • Privet hedge


There are many hedges available to complete your garden. These hedges can serve as your private borders inside too. To maintain a healthy lawn and to give a tidy appearance, hedge trimming is necessary. Have two regular hedge trimmings to maintain your hedge at home. This ensures that your hedge is still growing well. Make your hedge more visually appealing. Consult with our hedge experts to make sure that your hedge is having its trim in an optimal time.

Talk to Trees Down Under!

Trees Down Under has a team of reliable hedge trimmers for your hedge trimming needs. We have been around giving exceptional hedge trims in residential settings for more than two decades around Sydney. We can work with you to make the hedges in your home landscapes get the maintenance it needs. We also offer all sorts of tree services for commercial and industrial locations. Don’t hesitate to call us anytime!

Contact us at 0475 463 597 or send in your enquiries via email. You can also request a quote online by clicking here.

Trees Down Under