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Winter Lawn Care in Australia

The majority of Australia has four different seasons and one of those seasons is winter. The winter period happens from June to August. During these cold months, the average maximum temperature is 16 degrees Celsius in Sydney.

Although winter in Australia is considered to be mild, the cool temperatures, snow, and rain can damage the plants and lawn in your garden. Hence, taking care of your lawn and preparing them for the challenging winter period is a crucial step so that the grasses remain healthy and sound.

Effects of Winter on the Lawn

Grasses may incur damages and even death during the winter season. Some varieties of grass may be unaccustomed to the cold temperature and be unable to survive.

The drops in the temperature may also damage the roots of grasses. Additionally, ice forming on the exposed portions of grasses makes the leaf blades brittle and, thus, easy to rupture. 

The effects of winter do not stop at the end of the season. As grass regenerates during spring, damage incurred during the cold period can also jeopardise the greening process of the leaves. Blotchy areas may manifest in areas where the frozen lawn takes long to thaw such as in the shady and concentrated areas. 

How to Take Care of the Lawn in Winter

Taking care of your lawn is integral for its longevity and sustainability. So, here are a few tips on how you can help your lawn be at its best state during the winter season.

Let there be light

Provide your lawn with enough sunlight such as by removing anything blocking the sunlight like lawn clippings, leaves, benches, and garden table sets. You may also opt to have your trees pruned if they offer too much shade for your lawn.

Getting rid of these items can help the grass get the amount of heat and air it needs to survive the cold temperatures.

More nutrients and less water

Like any other season, winter also screams nutrients for your turf. Your lawn needs to be fertilised and be given enough amount and type of nutrients that they require for optimum survival. 

On the other hand, providing your lawn with moisture is less beneficial during the winter season. In fact, watering may even be detrimental. An over-watered lawn is more vulnerable to fungi and diseases during this low-temperature season.

Hence, it would be better to just have your lawn watered as needed, such as when the grass becomes dry. It is also advisable to do the watering early in the morning to remove ice formations in the leaves.

Keep grass taller

Grasses grow much slower during the cooler period. So, it’s advisable to mow your lawn less frequently and to maintain a grass height of at least 2.5 cm. 

That way, your lawn could be more adapted to the cold temperature. Taller grasses have more area for photosynthesis, thereby making your turf greener. 

Moreover, they are also less likely to experience scalping and browning during the winter which could make them susceptible to diseases and weeds.

Keep off the grass

Heavy foot traffic on your lawn during the cooler months can compact the soil. Soil compaction can make it difficult for the grass’ roots to receive ample air, sunlight, and nutrients to grow and survive. 

Thus, it’s better to keep off the grass during the months of June to August to keep your soil aerated. You can also perforate your soil using a hand rake to reduce compaction.

Winter Lawn Solutions in Sydney

In Sydney, the winter period can reach as low as 7.1 degrees Celsius. Because of this, winter lawn care is imperative so that they can survive the cold months.

Trees Down Under can help you take care of your lawn. No matter how cold or hot the season gets in Sydney, we are your reliable partner in garden makeovers.

We are ready to serve you. Feel free to contact us anytime. Call us at 0475 463 597 and get a free quote.

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