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Category: Tree Removal

How Dangerous is Tree Felling

It is common knowledge that trees are raw materials for paper and furniture making. But did you know that about 15.3 billion trees are chopped

How to Ring Bark a Tree

Trees are a wonderful creation. They provide us with fruits, shade, and fresh air. Other animals also benefit from trees because trees provide them with

How to Make a Possum Proof Garden

The common brushtail possum is perhaps the most familiar marsupial in Australia. They can adapt to various kinds of environment, that’s why they hang around

DIY Tree Crown Lifting

The growth pattern of trees is beautiful in their natural way. However, if you let trees grow undisturbed, they may overgrow. Low visibility, accessibility, and

Tree Removal Laws in NSW

There are many reasons why you would want to remove a tree. The tree could be dying, blocking the way for construction, or posing risks

Types of Autumn Trees in NSW

The autumn season is one of the best times to visit NSW. We’re not just talking about the crisp air and fair weather. We’re talking

Trees Down Under